Themadera #05

  • NAME: Themadera
  • ID: #05
  • BREED: Aksiothos
  • OWNER: Elandria
  • AGE:  Unknown
  • GENDER: Mare 
  • PHENOTYPE: Origin
  • GENOTYPE: Origin – unknown CmCm
  • ELEMENTAL AFFINITY: Air (Common) and Water (Common)
  • SHAPESHIFTER ABILITY: Reindeer (Cervidae)
  • Converted to Aksiothos 18/11/2020
  • ACTIVITY LOG: here


Maddy is an entirely gentle soul with a fondness for sweet things.  Like her namesake, she will do almost anything for honey.  Being so gentle isn’t always a good thing as the younger herd members at Tincture Abbey Stables sometimes take advantage of her soft nature.

Her owner Katie lives in the local village with her great Aunt Hannah who bought Themadera during a trip to New Zealand many years ago.  It’s not been possible to accurately age Themadera who seems to be as young today as she was when Hannah first saw her over 30 years ago.  Themadera has now been passed to Katie who loves the simple joy of long chilled out rides.  Suffering from anxiety Katie has no interest in competing, and much prefer’s the laid-back atmosphere of Tincture Abbey compared to the much more competition based stables in the local area.  

Katie, being a hormonal 18-year-old has a crush on Alex and spends most of her time hanging around with Sherbert who makes her laugh.  

Themadera can frequently be seen hanging out in the park with Sherberts 2 horses Tolmiros and Thrascias.


Awards/Other Info

Origin – her background is entirely unknown even to the other Aksiothos